Monday, 2 May 2011

This is why I am an Atheist


  1. Religion relies on faith. Which cannot be proven. No true believer would ever claim that religion is a proven fact. That would be ludicrous.

  2. ahha they do though ^
    i'm not atheist or religious at all. the saying goes, your religion is like your genitals. you don't show it off in public and you don't try and force it down peoples throats..

  3. extreeeemmeelly valid point! im neither either though if you follow me haha

  4. I suppose TECHNICALLY I believe a creator god COULD exist. But it can be at most one out of the many human religions. It is more likely (in my humble opinion) that no-one is correct.
    In science we know that we can never truly KNOW anything. 2000 years ago we KNEW the earth was flat, now we know it is not. 2000 years ago we KNEW there was a god... What do we know now?

  5. I'm an agnostic, but I don't exactly believe we can obtain proof of things outside of a snowglobe.

  6. Totally agree.following

  7. I firmly believe that everyone should be free to believe what they want to believe as long as they don't force it on others.

    Except Scientologists, screw them.

  8. Ever Considered Pastafarianism?
